Pic of the day

Pic of the day
Somehow, she's always the one up here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


An idol Tuesday
is now away.
Or was it an idle one?
(if you'll pardon the pun)
Hardly, given
that I'd driven
from the wrong side of the tracks
to the posh chateaus, and back,
trying to churn
some bread to earn.

Today's batter
is next month's dough.
Ideas matter,
but also whom you know.
There were slips.
Focus on one hand
and the balance tips.
The trick is to understand
and pull up before the ship dips.

It ended well,
with the smell
of a decent wine;
decent, less than fine.

a film named after the big 'O',
good company,
and four ladies, lovely,
in my chat window.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


if Lennon
had not died,
and succeeded
in changing
the world, the way he tried.

if Chapman
had been the one to die
or missed
the Catcher in the rye.

If John and Yoko had stayed in that night;
if David and Kathryn had worked on their plight;
if the vacuum hose pipe had not disintegrated;
if while jumping off Liberty's Statue, he had not hesitated;

Could John have stopped
a single soldier?
Could John have prevented
a single war?
Could he have brought forth
just one more pacifist?
Could his words have impacted
even a single terrorist?

The thing is, we'll never know;
it's the road not taken.
At the altar of psychosis,
a great mind was forsaken.

Many miss you John.
Peaceful slumber!
Your brief lessons,
we'll try to remember.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bombay, baby!

Will this city ever sleep
and allow people to just meet?
Will this city calm down
and not worry about suburb and town?
Will its pace ever lower
and allow the smelling of a flower?
Will this city switch gears
to allow someone to draw near?

These questions are not new.
It is why people are drawn to
this financial capital,
this rat-race haven.
If you're not born here,
you move here out of craving.

Crave the height,
crave the pace,
crave the dream
to change your face.

You must crave,
you must be hungry.
It's what separates the stars
from all sorts and sundry.

You must crave, you must be hungry.
The mantra to success.
Do or do not, there is no try
in the pursuit of happyness.

Monday, August 9, 2010

This week that was

This week that was has happened before.
It was and will be perhaps once more.
Decades ago these fires did burn
and history repeats as the clock-hands turn.

Little boy - Hiroshima - 70,000 killed instantly
Coronal mass ejections from the Sun
Tagore's death
Wildfires in Russia - 50 killed, thousands of homes destroyed
Flooding in Pakistan - 1,600 killed, 12 million affected
Flooding in Leh - 130 killed, 500 missing
Fat man - Nagasaki - 39,000 killed instantly
Landslide in China - 127 killed, 2,000 missing

History, this week, these events did pen.
Some in the 1940's, some in 2010.

Friday, July 23, 2010

D'rty d'rty...

Created this for a purpose. Never did use it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Boof, eh?

They won't wake up anytime
Except maybe dinnertime
Sleepy town
Sleepy town
It's not your fault...

Friday, January 1, 2010

... Shame to you, I shay!

And so the new year dawns on us!

... or some such tried and tested way to open a piece. But I must write something on the 1st of Jan. For every self-respecting blogger worth the salt that came to epitomise the freedom struggle of a nation, must.

'Tis the new beginning of the eternal cycle. 'tis a time to rejoice new birth and fresh opportunities; to cast off the old and ring in the new; to bury old demons and seek new ones... (no, that last one was off).

But it occurs to me that this 1st Jan business is also dependant on the frame of reference. I mean, it is based on a certain frame of reference and certain chosen calendar that we describe today as the first day of the year. Of course, you know this, as do I.

So given that we (you and I) are so well informed, do we still hold true to those classic phrases? Put your best foot forward; Well begun is half done; Every journey begins with a single step.

As an aside, that phrase of 'well begun is half done' had me royally confused for large part of my life. When I first heard it, I thought it meant that everything that is well begun would get left half done. Heh... Spent many a year worrying about things that began well.

Anyway, getting back to my glorious new year post... depending on the frame of reference, any day and, in fact, every day can be the first day of the year. I shall resolve to work out everyday and aim at being healthier from February 3rd onwards. That is my new year's resolution for the year from 3rd Feb to 3rd Feb. Ha!

Well... just a rambling post, this.

Didn't do much on this famed night. Read the horrorscopes this morning for the year looming ahead. Being a cusp, I'm often amused at figuring out which part of which zodiac to believe. Heh

Oh, you know, going by this calendar, the first decade of the 21st Century is also over. We're in the second now. Quite a ten years, it's been

So, to give a pretentiously formed but sincerely intended sign-off:

To all those whose lives I may have touched these past ten years, and who may chance upon this page,
All happiness and joy to you!