Pic of the day

Pic of the day
Somehow, she's always the one up here.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


if Lennon
had not died,
and succeeded
in changing
the world, the way he tried.

if Chapman
had been the one to die
or missed
the Catcher in the rye.

If John and Yoko had stayed in that night;
if David and Kathryn had worked on their plight;
if the vacuum hose pipe had not disintegrated;
if while jumping off Liberty's Statue, he had not hesitated;

Could John have stopped
a single soldier?
Could John have prevented
a single war?
Could he have brought forth
just one more pacifist?
Could his words have impacted
even a single terrorist?

The thing is, we'll never know;
it's the road not taken.
At the altar of psychosis,
a great mind was forsaken.

Many miss you John.
Peaceful slumber!
Your brief lessons,
we'll try to remember.

1 comment:

therapy said...


Our baby. Not yours. Bah.