Pic of the day

Pic of the day
Somehow, she's always the one up here.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Sunrise over a city of grime:
the jagged edge of a modern time
breaking the dark of a night-time past.
No new day shall be like the last.
A horizon of razors tears through the sky;
like flakes from a cut, the birds fly
toward their new, unknown day.
The rhythm of survival, their wings play.

Sunrise over a city of dark:
a veil of light covers the stark
truth behind the street-light shadows
where the city's truth grows.
A paint of light to whitewash faces,
corners, curbs and heritage places.
A paint of light to help to pawn
a new born night, noon and dawn.

(Thank you Daisy)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Lunar rouge

Let tempest rise and lightning fly;
let howling wind come wail and cry.
Torn asunder, clouds have bled:
tonight, the full moon will turn red.

No daylight dares to poke and peek
when nightly lights do dance and streak.
The stars will whirl and swoon instead.
Tonight, the full moon will turn red.

Let spirits roam and phantoms free
to rave the night for all to see
and paint their visions in your head.
Tonight, the full moon will turn red.

Let magic song and words be writ.
Undone be history bit by bit.
Tonight's no night to spend in bed.
Tonight, the full moon will turn red.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Be my

Be my walk along the beach;
the silver moon
out of reach
in whose light a cloud can flow.
Be my stare
out a window.
Be my comfy cup of coffee,
piece of cake
or choco cookie.
Be my time of inspiration,
Be my Sunday morning, lazy,
clear and bright,
soft and hazy.
Be my sunshine when it pours.
You be mine
and I'll be yours.